Kickball Coach has been submitted for beta testing review. Once approved we can start open testing. Let us know if you want to be involved in the beta test. We have koozies and stickers for those participating.

We wanted to be released by today, but we ran into a couple of problems. Core Data Syncing with iCloud didn’t “just work” out of the box like we’d hoped and we’ve had to scrap using it very late in the game. In response, we’ve been cranking out a really awesome syncing mechanism with CloudKit that we may open source if we can clean it up and make it generic enough for others to use. The silver lining, so to speak, is that the new sync code will allow for syncing with other frameworks as well as we expand to allow for better sharing and team collaboration in future versions. We also found some bugs that only appear in iOS8 with fetched results controllers getting confused and killing our table views. Not to worry, that all just works in iOS 9, but we’re trying to get it fixed for iOS 8 without killing things with workarounds. There are also a couple of areas we’ve noticed that could use a tiny bit more polish. We know you’re anxious though, so we’re trying to get it out there ASAP!

Stay tuned for more…